
Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky, štátny podnik (hereinafter referred to as „LPS SR, š. p.“) is the Contracting entity according to Article 8 section (1) letter a) point 3 and letter b) and pursues activities referred to in Article 8 section (9) letter b) of the Act No 25/2006 Coll. of Laws on Public Procurement and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as „Public Procurement Act“). According to Public Procurement Act LPS SR, š. p. procures supply contracts and service contracts with estimated contract value being equal to or exceeding the amount of EUR 443.000 excluding the VAT, for the services listed in Annex no. 1 of the Public Procurement Act, the value of which is higher than EUR 1.000.000 excluding VAT and construction works contracts with the estimated contract value being equal or exceeding the amount of EUR 5.538.000 excluding the VAT.